
6 Considerations to Remember For a Phone Interview!

For employers, a job interview is the decisive part of hiring process. It allows the employer to ascertain whether a candidate deserves a job or not. Unfortunately but this is where most of the candidates are found to be unprepared and shaky.

While majority of the employers invite the candidates for a one-on-one interview, there are some who approach the candidate through a phone call. It is more cost-effective for the employers and takes less time than a regular interview. While a phone interview does not involve a face-to-face meeting but this does not make it any less difficult. Other than good communication skills and phone etiquettes, you must remember other important considerations that I will explain in this article.

1. Make Your Preparations

Get your CV and cover letter beside you so that you can refer to points that need explanation. Rehearse the most expected questions of a job interview such as, “Tell me about yourself”, “Tell me about your academic and professional background”, “What matching skills and experiences do you have for the position?”, “What excites you in the position?” Furthermore, you should be prepared for any other questions pertaining to your expected salary and benefits.

2. Talk In a Noise-Free Place

Find a noise-free place for the conversation. It must be something where you can talk without being distracted by your kids, spouse or pets. Use a land-line phone for uninterrupted and smooth conversation. Cellular phones tend to produce mumbling voices and also the signals are not always stable.

3. Get Familiar with the Company and the Position

Familiarize yourself with the company and its background. Find out about its business philosophy, mission statement and objectives. Knowing the industry and history of an organization provides you good grounds to talk about the company and helps you demonstrate on how you will fit in the position. This will also help you discuss the personal qualities that make you an ideal candidate for the job.

4. Remember Phone Etiquettes

Greet the caller promptly before starting the conversation. Do not simply say “hi” and use proper salutations such as “hello sir” or “hello madam”. Keep your mouth free from any edibles while talking on the phone. When you chat, it must be clear and effective. Avoid interrupting the interviewer in the middle and respond only when the caller asks you.

5. Sell Yourself

Do not respond in just “yes” or “no” and rather explain why you worth the job. Consider the phone interview as sales pitch that will help you sell yourself as a potential candidate for a specific industry. So make the most of this opportunity and apply your marketing skills. Avoid cracking jokes or one-liners as they can easily be misunderstood on the phone.

6. Leave On A Positive Note

Thank the interviewer for considering you for the position and remind him how you match the required skills for the position. Ask the interviewer about how you can communicate him in the future.

NOTE: It is always better to do some mock interview before the actual interview. This will help you gather your thoughts and adjust your tone for a phone interview.
